Nuestros supervisores y jefes de zona participaron en un seminario de alto impacto y supervisión efectiva. Con nuevas herramientas y estrategias, estamos listos para liderar con éxito y garantizar la protección eficiente de nuestros clientes 🤝
¡Gracias por su compromiso y dedicación en seguir creciendo y mejorando como equipo! ¡Seguimos brindando calidad y compromiso!
Training the best!
We share moments lived in our constant preparation to our Security Guards, we have carried out special training on alarm response actions, focused on self-defense techniques and the use of auxiliary means.
The goal of this preparedness is always to provide our clients with security professionals and the tools necessary to respond effectively and safely to emergency situations.
For that and more… We are your safety!

As part of our commitment to provide quality, responsibility and professionalism for the safety of our clients and their investments, the Human Resources management has trained new physical surveillance personnel. We are constantly training our staff committed to your safety.


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