SERVIPRO company with corporate social responsibility, carries out delivery of donation from the Lumen Christi College security

On June 14, Lic. Mario Alonso Avilez, Gerente General de Servipro proceeded to carry out delivery of donation to the Director of the College Sister Antoinette Lovo Chacon, with the aim of improving the safety of the premises in the possible theft of equipment or other elements.

In gratitude the School Sisters, performed a small act with students, to thank the donation to this educational institution




Today, June 11, second meeting at the II SERVIPRO Golf Tournament, in Nejapa Golf and Country Club.

The last day of competition was developed in which of the 70 players disputed a place in which only 21 classified the award categories, giving trophies to each winner in their category, later prize raffles were held with the support of co-sponsors such as Carnes San Martín, Global Brands, Semisa.

items from different sponsors were raffled, among which stand out: player bags sponsored by SERVIPRO, baskets sponsored by GLOBAL BRANDS, sports bags sponsored by SEMISA, boxes of PROVIX 1 balls sponsored by SERVIPRO, culminating a pleasant afternoon where the experience and joy of all the players was shared.



On Saturday, June 10, the II Golf Tournament begins, at Nejapa Golf and Country Club.

The reception of 70 players was made, with the welcome and delivery of souvenirs, starting the game and departure of the first group at 7:20 am, and culminating the game at 12:30 of the same

Los Golfisas had the service of drinks and sandwiches in the field provided by the support of CASA DEL CAFE, SEMISA, SERVIPRO, where they could taste the delicious coffee: ice cream, cappuccino, sweet sandwiches, salty sandwiches, providing excellent service.



Como segundo año consecutivo y En Nuestro 25 Aniversario SERVIPRO, organaniza el II Torneo de Golf, siendo Clasificatorio Centro Americano 2018, a llevarse a cabo en Nejapa Golf y Country Club el día 10 y 11 de junio del presente Año.

Los jugadores se disputaran los 21 lugares de clasificación para competir en el Torneo Centro Americano 2018, entre las categorías:









On May 26, this year, training was carried out, with a focus on technical drafting

for every company, writing is a communication process, always taken as a strength, as a positive trait, as it is synonymous with how to bond with employers or clients.

The Training is aimed at different work areas (EMPLOYEES, SECRETARIES, ETC.), interested in improving the process of writing and understanding texts and especially those who by their various roles are committed daily to the preparation or review of technical reports that collect information and basic concepts from which important decisions are made.

General Objectives:

1. Pedagogical: Improving the quality of communication and writing of technical documents, making appropriate use of language

2. Methodological: Strengthening the processes of writing, style and structural presentation of reports

3. Technical: Provide thoughtful strategies on the usefulness and functions of technical reports at the business level

Specific objectives:

to. Assess the importance of efficient written communication that allows you to increase the productivity, efficiency and success of your professional management.

B. To raise the internal and external communicative quality of the company considering the key purposes of the preparation of the report, as well as the contributions that are provided with the information of the report.

c. Prepare a correct, clear, consistent and concise written message depending on the recipient.

d. Write documents, letters and reports quickly and effectively.

E. Organize the writings with a personal, persuasive and aesthetic presentation style.

F. Structure and write technical reports with ownership and correction, complying with drafting and style standards, based on standardized procedures for its elaboration.

G. Apply conveniently in daily work situations, knowledge.

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